This policy is intended to implement the procedures described in the Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 512 (DMCA) for the reporting of alleged copyright infringement. It is the policy of the MLT Global (Research AG) and its affiliated entities to respect the legitimate rights of copyrights owners, their agents and representatives. Users are required to respect the legal protections provided by applicable copyright law.
Designated Agent
Notification of alleged infringement should be sent to our designated agent. Upon receipt of notification of claimed infringement, MLT Capital will follow the procedures outlined on this page and in the DCMA. Complaints made to our designated agent will be communicated to the appropriate Web content manager within our company.
Complaint Notice Procedures for Copyright Owners
A notice of alleged copyright infringement to the designated agent must include the following.
Failure to include all of the above information may result in a delay of the processing or the DCMA notification.
Notice and Takedown Procedure
It is expected that all users of any part of this website will comply with applicable copyright laws. However, if MLT Global Research is notified of claimed copyright infringement, or otherwise becomes aware of facts and circumstances from which infringement is apparent, we will respond expeditiously by removing, or disabling access to, the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity. The Academies will comply with the appropriate provisions of the DMCA in the event a counter notification is received by our designated agent.
Repeat Infringers
Under appropriate circumstances, MLT Global Research may, in our discretion, terminate authorization of users of our system or network who are repeat infringers.
Accommodation of Standard Technical Measures
It is MLT Global Research policy to accommodate and not interfere with standard technical measures we determine are reasonable under the circumstances, in other words, technical measures that are used by copyright owners to identify or protect copyrighted works.